On Friday I returned to Temple University for the first time in three years. My lunch companion, also a friend, reminded me of that. Traveling to New York on Thursday for PhotoPlusExpo gave me the perfect excuse to take Friday off and make this long overdue visit. Even longer overdue than visiting the campus was a visit with my first photography professor, mentor, and friend, Dr. Ed Trayes. It seemed like only months ago that I was in that same hallway, sitting on a couch (his office is still so full there is nowhere to sit), as we reminisced, caught up, and of course talked about photography. But it was when he took me to the old dark room, now converted to a digital photo lab, that I realized things had changed. I met and talked to some students, saw some of the amazing work they are doing, and once again listened as Dr. Trayes joked, pushed, and encouraged them. What a perfect place to pull out my camera, hand it to senior Richard Kauffman, and ask that he take a photo of us. And of course I couldn't resist converting it to black & white. I'm so glad that I have this memory now, but more importantly it reminds me of the three and half years I spent as a photojournalism student and the eight years following graduation I spent teaching alongside Dr. Trayes.

To see Richard''s photos, visit his website at onlygoodlooks.com
To see Richard''s photos, visit his website at onlygoodlooks.com